Principal's Message


Mr. Lauren MacKenzie

        Welcome to the beginning of another school year, and all of the excitement that comes with it. To our new classes of grade nine students, our international students, and any others who are coming to us for the first time; we welcome you to the St. Dominic Catholic High School community. For those of us who have returned after a well-deserved summer break, we hope it was refreshing, and that you had some opportunities to spend time out in God’s country enjoying nature, sunlight, and beauty with family and friends. And now, it is time to get back to our studies, and a bit of fun. Go Huskies! 

        Many of us are coming into the 2023 - 2024 school year with renewed hope and enthusiasm, and looking forward to a school year where we are able to show our very best. This is my third year in my role as Principal, I too am looking forward to building on what went well these past few years, having an opportunity to change what did not, and working with our very competent staff to provide an excellent, faith-filled education to our students right here in Rocky Mountain House. I am encouraged by this year’s division faith theme, which is; “Inspired by Christ on a Journey to Encounter, Nurture, and Serve.” It is truly my privilege and honour to serve this wonderful school, its talented students, staff, and supportive community.  

        September is always a time of change for us, with updates to student timetables, new teachers, and new routines. Please remember that in placing our trust in the Lord, and working together, we will build the relationships which are essential to growing spiritually, academically, emotionally and physically. As a school community we are committed to excellence in all areas of student development, and will continue to pursue the growth of Christian leaders who are responsible, life-long learners. 

        In previous years, our community has been blessed with the support of engaged parents and community members, who understand the importance of what we are continually trying to accomplish. We ask that you once again become active participants in our school community. Whether you are a parent logging in to engage with your child’s learning or speak with a teacher, a local business hoping to help support one of our charities, or a community member who would like to share their gifts, talents, or prayers - there are so many ways to help! To our students; get involved in your school, and make it what you want it to be! I look forward to working hard with you, to make this a great year for all of us.

God bless,
Mr. Lauren MacKenzie

Prayer for the Start of the School Year

 Loving God, 
Our creator, our saviour, our companion, 
bless this journey of a new school year that we undertake. 
Refresh our souls 
and renew our spirits 
as we embrace the beautiful ministry you have called us to. 
We welcome those who are new to this community and 
ask that you strengthen them to share the wonderful gifts you have given them. 

make our hearts pure 
as we prepare for the return of students to this school,
 and may you guide them to return with open hearts 
and minds eager to learn. 
We ask this in Your name,
